1.Nanjing University of Aeronautics And Astronautics,Nanjing, 210016,PRC 2. Nanjing Engin eering College, Nanjing , 210013, PRC 3. S ou th east Universit y, Nan jing, 210096,PRC
When the boundar y lay er theor y is used to study the film condensation o n the ver tical pla te, the erro r wa s found much bigg er in the case of m iddle or small fig ures o f Re or o n the fr o nt of the condensat ion field. To so lv e the pro blem, the theor y of ex pa nded equation was put fo rw ard to solve the pr oblem o f t he film condensation on the ver tical plate, with t he co rr espo nding contr ol equatio n and heat tr ansfer standar d obtained. T he compar iso n betw een the exper imental v alue and t he pra ctical equat ion w as made. By compar ison and analysis, t he r elat ionship bet ween the expanded equation and the heat bo undar y equation has been determined.
[ 1] 杨世铭. 传热学[M] . 北京: 高等教育出版社, 1991. 173~223 [ 2] Co le R. Boiling Nucleatio n Advance in Heat Tr ansfer . Academic Pr ess, Inc, 1974, 10 [ 3] E U 施林德尔. 换热器设计手册( 第三卷) : 流体力学与传热学[M ] . 北京: 机械工业出版社, 1989