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Analysis of Scattering Character of Discontinuities in A Symmetric Planar Dielectric Waveguide by Boundary-element Method(PDF)


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Analysis of Scattering Character of Discontinuities in A Symmetric Planar Dielectric Waveguide by Boundary-element Method
Zhou PingYan Biao
Department of Electrical Engineering,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing,210016,PRC
Boundary-element method Planar dielectric w aveg uide Scattering coefficient
A combination of the boundary - element method and analy tical method is used for analysis of scattering char acter in a symm etr ic planar discont inuities dielectr ic wav eguide in this paper. The boundar yelement appr oach is used fo r the interio r reg ion enclosing the w aveg uide discontinuities, while t he analy tical approach is utilized for t he fields on boundar y which co nnect uniform w aveguide to discontinuities . T o show the validity of this appr oach, a computer pro gram is desig ned and tw o cases ar e calculated, the results ag ree w ell w ith the r efer ence data .


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Last Update: 2013-04-29