On the basis o f Japan OMRON C Series P-type PLC, t his paper intr oduces t he application o f PLC in manipulato r st ep mo tio n co ntr o l, pro gr amming and pr ocess ar e giv en in det ail. T his pro gr am has been applied in the field of industr ial manipulat or . It has stable and r eliable perfo rmance.
[ 1] SYSMAC C Series I / O Link Unit[ Z] . OMRON USERpS M ANUAL [ 2] OMRON P-type Pr og r ammable Co nt ro llers Installa tio n Guide [ Z] . 1994 [ 3] 钟肇新, 彭侃. 可编程控制器原理及应用[M ] . 武汉: 华中理工大学出版社, 1991