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Method of Using the Random Model to Predict Dynamic Changes of Phreatic Level(PDF)


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Method of Using the Random Model to Predict Dynamic Changes of Phreatic Level
Chen Suozhong 1Tao Yun 2Yang Xu 1
1.Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Geographic Information Science,Nanjing Normal University,210097,Nanjing,PRC; 2.Jiangsu Provincial Institute of Geologic Research,210018,Nanjing,PRC
phr eatic level dynamic pr edicting model method study plain regions
The theoretical study o n continuous reciprocal inversion of meteorolog ic water, surface w ater and subsur face water on t he Earth surface is always the subject for the study on water cycle and water balance. In this paper, considering the issue of g roundw ater r esource evaluatio n- the inversion betw een rainfall and g roundwater, the authors discuss the vertical w ater migration mechanism in the aeratedzone and offer a simple met hod by using the Poisson Random Model to predict the dy namic changes of phreatic level. In addition, the authors calculate t he phreat ic level and fo recast the dynamic chang es of phreatic level in plain r eg ions with gentle slope, the simulated r esult being very ident ical w ith the result of monitoring .


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Last Update: 2013-04-29