The Experimental Studies on Large Air Cooled Heat Pump/Chiller Using Economizer(PDF)
- Issue:
- 2002年02期
- Page:
- 89-92
- Research Field:
- Publishing date:
- Title:
- The Experimental Studies on Large Air Cooled Heat Pump/Chiller Using Economizer
- Author(s):
- Huang Hu
- College of Power Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,210042,Nanjing,RPC
- Keywords:
- air cooled heat pump/ chiller; economizer ; discharge temperature; heating effect; efficiency
- TU831.4
- DOI:
- -
- Abstract:
- By t he compar ison be tween the ex periments on large air coo led heat pump/ chiller using the economizer , the capacity of eco nomizer is investigated in reducing discharge temper ature o f the scr ew compr essor, and improv ing heating effect and running efficiency of air cooled heat pump/ chiller lower temperature. The wor king char acteristics of different economizers is stud ied, which gives a basis for designing larg e air cooled heat pump/ chiller using the economizer.
Last Update: 2013-04-29