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Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay(ELISA) for Quantitative Analysis of Chloramphenicol Residues in Aquatic Products(PDF)


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Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay(ELISA) for Quantitative Analysis of Chloramphenicol Residues in Aquatic Products
Shen Meifang 1 Zhao Wenya 2 Fei Zhiliang 1Wu Guanghong 1Geng Xuebing 1
1.Aquatic Products Analysis and Testing Center of Jiangsu Province, 210017, Nanjing, PRC)
aquatic products chloramphenicol ELISA
Chloramphenicol residues in aquatic products were analyzed by ELISA. The calibration curve was linear in the range of 0.05 ~ 4.05μg/ kg. The average recoveries were 84.5%、88.4% and 79.9% respectively when samples were spiked with 0.45、1.35 and 4105Lg/ kg. The detection limit was 90μg / kg. The intra- assay coefficients of variation were 6.0%~ 8.5% and inter- assay cofficients of variation were 5.8%~ 14.3%. The method is sensitive and suitable for the determination of trace chloramphenicol in aquatic products.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29