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Experimental Study on Heat Transfer Performance of Miniature Space Thermosiphon Pipe(PDF)


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Experimental Study on Heat Transfer Performance of Miniature Space Thermosiphon Pipe
Zhao Xiaobao Li Qihe Wu Yulin
School of Power Engineering, Nanjing Normal University, 210042, Nanjing, PRC
miniature thermosiphon pipe flow pattern radiator temperature controlling
This paper introduces the experiment on the heat transfer performance of the circle and flat miniature thermosiphon pipes( f4 0. 8、f6 × 0.8、8 × 1. 0mm) and analyses the two- phase flow and flow pattern of liquid and vapor in the tubes. Both the tube surface temperature and the heat transfer capacity of the heat pipe have some relations with the two- phase flow and its transform during the heat pipe operating. At higher temperature of the heating source, the flow pattern is a slug flow and the heat transfer power is high. At lower temperature of the heating source, the flow in the tubes is churn flow. The circle miniature heat pipe has higher heat transfer power than the flat miniature heat pipe.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29