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Reverse Reasoning Algorithm Based on the Fuzzy Petri Net Model(PDF)


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Reverse Reasoning Algorithm Based on the Fuzzy Petri Net Model
Bao Peiming
College of Mathematics and Computer Science, Nanjing Normal University, 210097, Nanjing, PRC
fuzzy Petri net incidence matrix reverse reasoning knowledge base
This paper proposes a reverse reasoning algorithm on the basic struture of Fuzzy Petri Net model. Based on the model, an incidience matrix, a palce vector and a transition vector are built, with the method of matrix operation used in the algorithm. A subnet from the FPN can be extracted by operating the algorithm. Therefore a large and complex system can be transformed into a small system relating to the problems. Being simple and universal, this algorithm can bc applied to the majority of FPN model. For other problems involving a large system producing sub- systems, the matrix expression method can be used for reference. The relation is analyzed between the matrix expression in the algorithm and the graphics stuctrue in the model, and its complexity is also discussed in this paper.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29