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A Hierarchical and Parallel Support Vector Machines Algorithm for Reducing the Training Time(PDF)


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A Hierarchical and Parallel Support Vector Machines Algorithm for Reducing the Training Time
WEN Yimin LIAO Hongyuan ZHOU Lihua
Department of Information Engineering, Hunan Industry Polytechnic, Hunan Changsha 410007, China
h ie rarch ica l filtering support vectorm ach ines cross- comb in ing
Based on the essence of suppo rt vec to rs and pa ra lle l a lgor ithm, the paper proposes a nove l strategy of filtering the tra in ing sam ples in a hierarchica l and para llel w ay to speed up the tra ining o f support vector m ach ines ( SVM s). Dur ing the training pro cess, the entire c lassifica tion problem is d iv ided into several sm a ll sub- problem s that can be handled in a para llel w ay. H av ing h ie rarch ically filtered out the non- support-vec to r data, w e can obta in the final training data se t, wh ich is used to tra in a SVM tha t w ill be used as the final pattern c lassifie r. In order to keep the consistency, the cross- comb ining pr inciple is introduced. The simu la tion resu lts illustrate that ourm ethod speeds up tra in ing wh ilem a inta in ing the genera lization accuracy o f SVM s


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Last Update: 2013-04-29