WhenWAP (W ireless Application Protoca l) techn ique is used in stock exchange, the rap idity and effectiveness o f inform a tion be ing comm un icated m ust be so lv ed to ensure the norm al process of stock exchange. Bes ides othe r interne t techno log ies adopted inWAP S to ck Exchange System, m idd lew are techn ique is used no t on ly to gua rantee the security but a lso to rea lize the source share am ongm any sales departments, and a spec ia lm iddlew are ensures various departm ents to develop mob ile stock exchange, wh ile stock holde rs do no t necessa rily change the ir ope ra tion, thus rea lizing the cons istency o f the ir operations. SSL( Secure So cket Layer) is used to translate info rm ation betw een WAP serve r and m iddlewa res. The above m ethod is feasible inWAP Stock Exchange Sy stem.