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Study on Synthesis of Resorcin Phosphate as F lame Retardant(PDF)


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Study on Synthesis of Resorcin Phosphate as F lame Retardant
YUAN Xiangai YANG Jinfei LI Li
Schoo l ofC hem istry and Env ironm en tal Scien ce, Nan j ing Norm alUn iversity, J iangsu Nan jing 210097, Ch ina
resorcin synthesis flam e reta rdant
In th is paperw as reported a me thod o fm ak ing resorcin phosphate as flam e retardant from pheno ,l resorc in and phosphous oxych lo ride, w as stud ied the influence such factors as m o le ration, tem pe rature and cata lyst have on the reac tion, and w as estab lished the best reaction cond ition: Themo lar ra tio o f phosphous oxychlor ide and resorcin is 2. 2:1. In the first step, the reaction temperature is 60℃ , and the reac tion time is 6 hours. In the second step, the reaction tem pe ra ture is 130℃ , and the reaction tim e is 8 hours. A lC l3 is the best cata lyst. Its dosage is 2% o f the tota l am ount o f a ll reactants in the first step. The y ie ld reaches 90%. The flam e retardance has been tested in differ ent p lastic product, wh ich show s tha t resorc in phospha te is a good flam e reta rdant.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29