Acco rd ing to the character istics o f stee l co rpo ra tion, this paper puts forw ard a realization m e thod o f an integrated autom a tic measurem ent system based on Pro fibus and industria lE therne t in stee l industry, so as to econom ize energy, increase pro fits, prom ote the construction o f info rm ation m anagem ent, and improve the competitive ab ility o f stee l corporation. The network structure adopted by the system can be log ica lly divided into three leve ls: fie ld equ ipm en t, control m anag em ent and produc tion m anagem ent. M ore than one year s’ actua l running show s that the pro ject can mee t quite w ell the needs o f inte rnal measurem en t of stee l industry.