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Output Feedback Stabilization of Neutral Delay Systems(PDF)


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Output Feedback Stabilization of Neutral Delay Systems
LU Junwei FENG Chunmei GUO Aiqin
School of Electrical and Automation Engineering, Nanjing Normal University, Jiangsu Nanjing 210042, China
neu tra l de lay system s ou tput stab ilization linearm atr ix inequa lity
Th is paper considers the prob lem o f stabilization of neu tral de lay system s v ia output feedback contro llers, aim s to design such a dynam ic outpu t feedback contro ller that the resulting closed- loop system is asym ptotically stab le, ob tains a suffic ient condition for the solvab ility o f the problem w ith the linearm atrix inequality ( LM I) approach, and g ives an explic it expression o f desired dynam ic ou tput feedback contro llers when the g iven LM Is a re feas ible. F-i na lly, a nume rical examp le is prov ided to dem onstrate the e ffectiveness o f the proposed m ethod, and at the sam e tim e, its sim ulated curve is g iven.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29