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Development of Electronic Essentic-water-meter based on Zero Power Dissipated Magnetic-sensitive Sensor(PDF)


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Development of Electronic Essentic-water-meter based on Zero Power Dissipated Magnetic-sensitive Sensor
GU Minfen1 ZHU Yun2
1.The Center of Analysis and Measure, Nanjing Normal University, Jiangsu Nanjing 210097, China; 2.Nanjing Ningxing Corporation, Jiangsu Nanjing 210013, China
W iegand e ffect zero pow ered m agne tic-sensitive senso r e lectron ic essentic-wa ter-m eter
As a new type of apparatus, zero pow er dissipa tion m agnetic- sensitive senso rwh ich is developed based on W iegand effect, can br ing about e lec tric pulses of invariable amp litude and w idth, and the am plitude of the pluses exceeds 1 Vo lt w ithout needing extra e lectr ic pow er in the e ffect o f certa in m agnetic fie ld. Th is spec ial feature prov ides m any advantages fo r the deve lopm ent o f e lectron icwa ter-m ete r or the rma-lm e ter. The pr inciple, structure and characters o f th is zero pow ered m agne tic-sensitive senso r are introduced in this paper. Based on th is sensor, an electronic essentia-l wa ter-m eter is deve loped. H av ing dea lt w ith the pu lse signa ls g enerated o f the me ter and com p iled the re lev ant prog ram softw are, w e can construct a w ater-me ter in a comp le te sense. The resu lts o f practica lm easure and app lications indicate that this w ater-m e ter has the characte ristics o f zero pow er d issipation, zero responding frequency, sim ple structure and h igh re liability.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29