1. School of Power Engineering,Nanjing Normal University, Jiangsu Nanjing 210042, China; 2. Nanjing Merit Auto Company, Limited, Jiangsu Nanjing 210008, China
Based on the Theoretica l investigation o f Superv isory Informa tion System ( SIS ) in Ch ina s’ inland in the past few years and the eng ineer ing practice of 4 @ 300MW Un it SIS pro ject in Q ianBe i the rm al pow er p lant o f Gu iZhou, the paper propo ses that the arch itecture of the SIS can be d iv ided into four parts in term s of func tion. They are rea ltim e /h istor ica l da tabase, rea ltim e data co llect system, opera ting date analysis system and configura tion display system in c lien t, am ong w hich the rea ltim e /h istor ica l database is the co re of SIS . Then, the paper descr ibes the functions o f each parts, and introduces the system structure and function w ith rea liza tion of each parts o f the SIS in Q ianB ei therm a l pow er plant