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The Exploiture of an Office Automation System Software based on the Web Browser(PDF)


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The Exploiture of an Office Automation System Software based on the Web Browser
LIU Yijian
School of Electrical and Automation Engineering, Nanjing Normal University, Jiangsu Nanjing 210042,China
o ffice autom ation W eb B /S structure
O ffice autom a tion is v ery important to improve them anagement leve l o f enterpr ise. W ith the net technology deve loped and increas ing enterpr ise know ledge, a proper m ethod fo r in fo rm ation m anagem ent shou ld be proposed. Th is paper develops a set of o ffice autom ation system so ftw are based onW eb techno logy. The goa l o f the so ftw are and its prim ary modu les are introduced in th is paper. Th is paper present the character istics of the so ftw are and discusses som e o f the key im plem en t techno log ies. The integ ration w ith the process re lation database is a lso rea lized in the soft-w are. The secur ity of the softw are system is assured w ith the he lp of the deve lop ing p la tform- Lo tus Dom ino- wh ich prov ides a contro lled m eans for system v isiting purv iew of seven layers and d ig ita l signature techno logy. Because o f the B /S struc ture adopted, itw ill be easy to ex tend add itionalm odules fo r the so ftwarew ith sim plem a intenance. The applied resu lts in som e com pan ies show that the office autom ation so ftware improves o ffic ial effic iency and much o ffi-cia l cost has been saved


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Last Update: 2013-04-29