Buty l stea ra te has a veryw ide use, for ex amp le, it can be used as lubr icant. This wo rk improves the craft of synthesizing butyl stearate, d iscusses such questions as poo r appearance, ye llow ing when be ing in high tempera-ture, and h igh ac id va lue of buty l stea ra te, and successes in its industrialized production. The experim ent results in-d ica te tha t when the ration o fm ate rials stearate and butyo l is 1m o l:2. 2m o ,l the reac tion tim e is 5. 5 hour, and a fter an appropr ia te post-process ing flow chart is adopted, a good appeared and h igh quality buty l stearate produc t are ob-ta ined. So lid neutra lizing agent is used to prevent saponified w aste w ater from be ing generated.