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A Study of Synthetic Model of Networked Control Systems(PDF)


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A Study of Synthetic Model of Networked Control Systems
PENG Chen YUE Dong
School of Electrical and Automation Engineering, Nanjing Normal University,Jiangsu Nanjing 210042, China
netwo rked contro l sy stem s syn theticm ode l time-de lay LM I
Netwo rked contro l has appea led mo re and mo re researche rs both at hom e and abroad. In the forme r study of netwo rked contro,l them ethod ofN etworked Contro l Sy stem ( NCS) is too deta iled and on ly app licable to special instances. The paper presents the genera l syn theticmode l of NCS, includ ing time-va ry ing netwo rk-de lay and data dropout under sing le-packet transpo rt. Th is ana ly ticm ethod m akes sam pling- tim e and ne tw ork- induced de lay under a constant constra int and has great supe rv ised e ffect on con tro l and schedu ling co-design. S imu lation resu lts show tha t the proposed m e thod is e ffective.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29