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Some Practical Approaches of Representing Symmetric Clrcular Arcs With Biquadratic Nurbs(PDF)


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Some Practical Approaches of Representing Symmetric Clrcular Arcs With Biquadratic Nurbs
LI Jun
School of Information Engineering, Hubei Institute for Nationalities, Hubei Enshi 445000, China
circu la r a rcs curve NURBS con tro l po in ts w e ights
Th is paperm a inly stud ies how to use b iquadraticNURBS to represent symm etr ic c ircular a rcs, the sim plest and themo st representative conic curve and g ives a practical approach of representing symm etr ic c ircular a rcs w ith b-i quadratic NURBS, in wh ich a quadrant of symm etric c ircular arcs are represented by a segm ent of NURBS curve determ ined by five contro l po ints, the of va lue is m ade as the c ircular arcs centra l point, and a t the sam e tim e the dem and is m e t tha t the con tro l po ints and we ights are symm etry in the circu la r arcs cen tral po int. The ca lcu la ted results of control po ints and w eights g iven by them ethod mee ts the dem ands of c ircular arcsNURBS representation and need no ca lculating. Them e thod is conven ient to be genera lized in eng ineer ing applica tion.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29