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The Electric Conduction Model of V-P-Fe CTR(PDF)


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The Electric Conduction Model of V-P-Fe CTR
WANG Hui~1GAN Chaoqin~2WU Zonghan~2ZHANG Mingde~2
1.School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Jiangsu Nanjing 210042,China;2.Department of Physics,Southeast University,Jiangsu Nanjing 210096,China
critica l character istic the cha racte ristic of resistance-temperature crysta-l gra in gra in-boundary
The paper ana lyzes from am icroscopic perspective the re lationship be tw een VO2 and phase chang e, Fe2O3 and im pur ity flaw, P2O5 and c rysta-l g ra in form ation in the V-P-Fe CTR com po sition, e laborates the e lectr ic ity conduc tive cha racte ristic o f three k inds o fm ater ia ls form ing the so lid so lu tion. On the othe r hand, crysta-l gra in e lectr ic ity character istic and g ra in-bounda ry o f electr ic ity character istic can a lso be obta ined bym eans o f the radiom irror crysta l phase diag ram and chart ana lysis of the scanning e lectric ity m irror appearance. The deduction tha t CTR sem iconductor po rce la in is crysta-l gra in ( VO2, Fe3O4, P2O5 ) and g ra in-boundary composition could be inferred. Its e lectric conduction m ode l is: Crysta-l gra in-gra in-boundary o fm ode .l Th ism odel is used to ana lyze the resistance- tem pe ra ture character istic curv e o f the CTR sam ple. The res istance of the cry sta-l grain has the cr itica l character istic, appears to be me tal a t high temperature and sem iconducto r at low tem pera ture, wh ile the conducting m echanism o f the gra inboundary can be required as“ them ode l of po ten tia-l barr ier”.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29