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Automatic Control for Resistance Furnace Temperature(PDF)


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Automatic Control for Resistance Furnace Temperature
LIU Rucheng~1DING Yaojun~2
1.Scoole of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Jiangsu Nanjing 210042,China;2.College of Automation,Nanjing University of Technology,Jiangsu Nanjing 210009,China
tem pera ture contro l a lgo rithm perform ance index
The resistance furnace is a tem pe ra ture plant w ith large pure tim e de lay s and constants. The control perform ance unde r the conventional PID contro l schem e is no t h igh enough, such as the overshoo t g reat, settling tim e long. To improve the tem pera ture con tro l pe rfo rm ance for the resistance furnace, this paper introduces the inte lligent contro l under the P-PI and de riva tive lead ing control algor ithm based on a PC, da ta acquisition ca rds ( DAQ card) and using the VB language, for contro l output signal transform ed to pulse w idth modu lation signa l con tro lling on-off tim e of SSR and input pow er of the resistance furnace regu lated. It has fea tures o f a simp le c ircu it construct, strong functions, conven ient app lications, h igh measure and con tro l accuracy, steady and re liab le runn ing and a h igh perform ance-pr ice ratio. The practice proves that the con tro l schem e is satisfac to ry on som e pe rfo rm ance ind ices such as the ove rshoot, settling time , and steady state errors


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Last Update: 2013-04-29