Optimal Release Policies for Software Systems under Principles of Incorporating Safety(PDF)
- Issue:
- 2005年04期
- Page:
- 38-41
- Research Field:
- Publishing date:
- Title:
- Optimal Release Policies for Software Systems under Principles of Incorporating Safety
- Author(s):
- ZHOU Xiuqing~1; ZHAO Jin~2
- 1.School of Mathematics and Computer Science,Nanjing Normal University,Jiangsu Nanjing 210097,China;2.Department of Mathematics,Nanjing University,Jiangsu Nanjing 210093,China
- Keywords:
- softw are release policy; sa fety-first pr inc iple; J-M mode; l probabilistic constra ined program
- F224
- DOI:
- -
- Abstract:
- To overcom e the shortcom ing s of the pr inciple o fm inim izing the cost expectation, and to take the risk contro l into consideration in dec id ing the optim a l re lease tim e o f softw are, a pr incip le o f “ sa fety-first” is proposed. A new hyb rid princ ip le is proposed by incorporating the cost expecta tion princ ip le w ith the safe ty- first princ ip le. By the new hybr id princ ip le, the cost expecta tion and the risk can be contro lled at the sam e tim e. Under the new princ ip le, the optim a l release tim e problem s turn out to be probab ilistic constra ined program s in stochastic prog ramm ing and the so lution procedures are ava ilab le. The stochastic prog ramm ing prob lem is reduced to a norm a l programm ing prob lem w hen the hybrid princ ip le is applied to J-M m ode .l F ina lly, a num er ica l ex am ple is presented
Last Update: 2013-04-29