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An Improved Fast Implementation Method for FFT Pruning Algorithm(PDF)


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An Improved Fast Implementation Method for FFT Pruning Algorithm
LI ZhonghuiZENG YuminYIN XiaoqiWU Tingting
School of Physical Science and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Jiangsu Nanjing 210097,China
FFT Prun ing algor ithm imp lem enta tion o f a lgor ithm dig ital signa l processing spectrum reso lution
Considering the FFT Prun ing a lgor ithm propo sed in lite rature[ 5], this paper improves it and obtains an improv ed fast im plem en tation m ethod fo r FFT prun ing algorithm in which only part spectra l o f thew ho le FFT. s spectra l need to be ca lculated. Accord ing to struc tura l charac teristics o f the input and output data, the im proved m ethod utilizes the data replication and assistantm atrix to decrease the com putationa l com plex ity and enhance the im plem entary flex ib ility of the FFT Prun ing algorithm. The improved m ethod is realized in C and run in C5402 Dev ice S imu lator o f CCS w hich is the integ rated explo itive circum stance fo rDSP. The C prog ram s correspond ing to the a lgo rithm in reference [ 5] and basic FFT algor ithm a re run respective ly in the sam e c ircum stance too. A fter the three C prog ram files a re execu ted, the executive tim e o f each a lgor ithm are recorded to compare the e fficiency o f them. The emu lational expe rim en ts show that in the sam e cond ition, contrasted w ith other me thods, the im proved m ethod consumes less tim e obv iously wh ile the co rresponding spectra can be obta ined qu ickly and correctly, and tha t it doesn. t lim it the leng th o f the input and output data too.


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[ 5] A lves R G, O sor io P L, Sw am y M N S. General FFT prun ing [ C ] / / Proceed ing s of the 43rd IEEE M idwest Symposium. M ich igan: Lansing, 2000: 1192- 1195.
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Last Update: 2013-04-29