Research and Implementation of ID3 Based on Distributed Database System(PDF)
- Issue:
- 2005年04期
- Page:
- 46-48
- Research Field:
- Publishing date:
- Title:
- Research and Implementation of ID3 Based on Distributed Database System
- Author(s):
- DA I Nan 1; 2; J IGenlin 1; 2
- 1. School of M ath em atics and Computer Science, Nan jing Norm alU niversity, Jiangsu Nan jing 210097, China;
2. Key Lab of Computer In formation Process ing of J iangsu Province, S oochow Unnvers ity, Jiangsu Suzhou 215006, China
- Keywords:
- classify; dec ision tree; d istr ibu ted dec ision tree
- TP301.6
- DOI:
- -
- Abstract:
- A new dec ision tree algor ithm DDTA( D istributed Dec is ion Tree A lgor ithm ) based on distributed data re positor ies is presented in th is paper. The algor ithm divides each distributed and isomo rph ic da ta set uses w ith the idea of in fo rm ational entropy increase. E ach distributional site d iv ides its own data reposito ry w ith the d iv id ing properties transm itted by the se rver, and the server obta ins the dividing properties by ca lcu la ting the in fo rm ational entropy in crease of var ious properties w ith inform ation transm itted from a ll the distr ibuted sites. The expe rim en t show s that DD TA a lgo rithm is e ffective in excavating d istributiona lly isom orphic data repository w ith a dec ision tree, and that the de cision tree genera ted in the env ironm ent of d istributional mu lti-data repositor ies is co rrect. Com pared w ith the a lgo rithm INDUS, the algorithm has less cost in communication.
Last Update: 2013-04-29