Based on AT89C51 ser iesMCU , a m ult-i func tiona l in teg rated g raded system is successfu lly deve loped, w hich inc ludes m anagem ent and te rm ina ,l the fo rm er adopting Access and the database techno logy in the env ironm ent of VB, the la tter adopting the deve lopm en t o f Ke ilC51. The sy stem has been w ide ly app lied in the spo t-grad ing o f spo rts com petitions, perform ances and so on, featur ing on fast processing , s imp le hand ling , good operating interface, tim ely and accura te data-sav ing, on-the-spo t quering and pr inting the competition result, and steady wo rk ing o f the system. Th is article also introduces the structure o f the system and the flow cha rt of so ftware deta iled, g ives the so lutions to the key questions ar ised in the process of deve lopm ent sim ultaneously.