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A Algorithm of the Thin-film Thermocouple Dynamic Error Compensation Based on Model Reference(PDF)


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A Algorithm of the Thin-film Thermocouple Dynamic Error Compensation Based on Model Reference
LIU Qing
School of Mathematics and Computer Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
thin2film thermocoup le dynamic errors model reference inverse model compensation
On the study of the dynamic characteristic of the thin-film thermocoup le used in transient high temperature measurement, an app roach that can widen the working frequency band and reduce the dynamic error is reported by u2 sing the compensator of sensor dynamic inverse model. With this app roach, a compensator of sensor dynamic inverse model can be realized without knowing the dynamic characteristics of thin2film thermocoup le, and the parameters of the compensator are op timized by PSO algorithm according to the measurement data of the step response of the sensor and reference model. When the output signals of the thin - film thermocoup le are p rocessed by the compensator, the dynamic measurement errors are reduced. Experimental results show that the app roach is effective.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29