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Mathematical Models for Floating Price in Purchase and Sale of Commodity and for a Quadratic Function of Demand(PDF)


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Mathematical Models for Floating Price in Purchase and Sale of Commodity and for a Quadratic Function of Demand
HUA Cuncai
School of Mathematics,Yunnan Normal University,Kunming 650092,China
comm odity floa ting pr ice m athem atica lm ode l
In th is paper, m athema tica lm odels are investigated for floa ting price of purchase and sale o f comm od ity and for a dem anding func tion. At first, a sufficien t cond ition for floa ting-up the price and a necessary condition for preserv ing the pr ice a re bo th g iven; a stra tegy for discounting prices is g iven on the bas is of a princ ip le tha t the loss of incom e for sa le a tta ins its m in im al va lue. That is to say, both them ax im a l ra te for discounting pr ices tha t is independent of the dem anding quantity and the standard pr ice fo r sa le o f commod ity can be chosen if the conv ex ity is sm a ll and the dem anding quantity attains its m ax im a l va lue. Secondly, a quadra tic- function model o f dem and is present. Therefore a standa rd price tha t m ay increase the dem anding quantity and pure pro fits is obta ined. Furtherm ore, a pr ice at wh ich the pure pro fit atta ins its max im um is a lso obta ined. This price is larger than the price a tw hich the dem anding quantity attains its m ax im um. Fina lly, the resu lts are ver ified by an exam ple in the sa le of the pur ified w ater.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29