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A Self-organizing Single-input Single-output T-S Fuzzy System Based on IOSDATA Algorithm(PDF)


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A Self-organizing Single-input Single-output T-S Fuzzy System Based on IOSDATA Algorithm
LU WeifengZHU QingbaoCUI Hongmei
School of Mathematics and Computer Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
ISODATA a lgo rithm T-S fuzzy system PSO algor ithm
T-S fuzzy model has been stud ied and applied w idely. Wh ile during the modeling prog ress of T-S fuzzy m ode ,l there‘ re som e problem s on structure identifica tion、param e ter optim ization etc. Th is pape r proposes a sel-f org an izing T-S fuzzy sy stem based on ISODATA algor ithm. From the input-output da ta, w em odel the fuzzy system during two steps. Step 1 gets optim a l c lass o f the input-output da ta using ISODATA a lgor ithm based on linear pro totype, and determ ines the system structure. Step 2 builds a sim ple T-S fuzzy model and optim izes the sy stem param eters by Pad ic le Swa rm Optim ization a lgor ithm. Sim ulation resu lts show the e ffectiv eness o f the propo sed m ethod.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29