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Research in Storage Management Of GML Spatial Data(PDF)


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Research in Storage Management Of GML Spatial Data
YU LiBAO PeimingZHANG Shuliang
School of Mathematics and Computer Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
GM L is g radua lly accepted as an XML encod ing form fo r the exchange and sto rage of spatia l inform a tion. GM L is used to descr ibe the geographic data, inc luding desc ription of spatial ob jec t’ s spa tia l a ttr ibutes, such as, po ints, lines, faces and so on. The am ount of spatial data is huge, resu lting in the var ie ty and grea tness o f GM L. Therefore, the genera lm ethod o f sto rag ing XML in to re lational da tabases is not fit forGML. Th is artic le pu ts fo rw ard and rea lizes them ethod o f sav ing theGM L in the Object Or iented databases, and th is m e thod m akes the best o f the ob jec t fac ing ideo logy in GML, wh ich is be tter than them ethod o f sav ing in re lational da tabases in tha t it uses lesser tim e and lesser space.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29