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Research on Control Algorithm for Continuous Forced Cement Concrete Mixing Station(PDF)


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Research on Control Algorithm for Continuous Forced Cement Concrete Mixing Station
SHAO Jianhua~1YANG Guang~2YIN Kuixi~1
1.School of Physical Science and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China;2.The Second Construction Company Limited of China Railway No.15 Bureau Group,Jiaozuo 454003,China
cem ent concre tem ix ing station continuous forced PID
The Design o f a continuously forced cem ent concrete m ix ing station w ere deve lop ing slow ly because o f the lack o f ex cellent controlling mode ls and a rithm etic. The paper firstly introduces thew orking princ ip les o f the sta tion, then expresses PID contro llingm odel and ar ithm e tic of the m ater ia l flux, and finally computes the simu la tion result. The resu lt show s it can m ake the transit ofm aterial quickly and stab ly. A lso the paper dem onstrates the high effic iency and energy saving o f the station and the good index consistency of the conc rete produced by the station, based on the PID contro lling m ode l and a rithm etic


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Last Update: 2013-04-29