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Dynamic Measurement Error Compensating of Real-time Wavelet De-noising Algorithm(PDF)


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Dynamic Measurement Error Compensating of Real-time Wavelet De-noising Algorithm
LIU QingSUN Ying
School of Mathematics and Computer Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
rea-l tim e wave le t dynam ic erro r com pensation de-no ising
A dynam ic com pensation unit is connec ted w ith output port o f senso r in se ries to improve the sensor. s character istics and com pensating dynam icm easurem en t error of sensor. The un it is a band- pass filter or a h igh-pass filte rs, it can e lim inate dynam icm easurem ent errors, but cause seve re no ise amp lification. In order to so lve this problem, a rea-l tim e w ave let de-no ising a lgo rithm is researched in com pensa ting for dynam icm easurem en t erro r. The coeffic iency o f the unit is obta ined v ia experim enta l data, at the sam e tim e, the rea-l tim e w avelet de-no ising a lgo rithm that has the advantages of o ff- line w av elet de-no ising a lgo rithm is form ed through the orthogona l w ave let w ith compact support and m ov ing w indow. The m ethod is proved effective by the s imu la tion exper imenta l results o f th in- film thermo coup le dynam ic erro r compensation.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29