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Image Encryption Based on Region Shifting Encoding and Pixel Mapping(PDF)


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Image Encryption Based on Region Shifting Encoding and Pixel Mapping
HUANG FeiFENG ShaotongWANG LiangNIE Shouping
Jiangsu Province Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
im age enc ryption reg ion shifting encod ing p ixe lm apping
Based on reg ion sh ifting encoding and p ixe lm apping, the pape r proposes im ag e encryption algor ithm. The image to be encrypted is div ided into several un its, and the positions of these un its are changed random ly. Then each unit is d isturbed by the p ixe lm apping, cutting the relations between the values of pix els in every un it. The a lgo rithm is based on the v irtues of the reg ion sh ifting and p ixe l mapp ing. The results o f computer simu la tion show that th is m ethod is flex ible in the freedom and strong in secrecy, especia lly for the binary im ag es and gray scale im ag es


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Last Update: 2013-04-29