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Relevance Analysis Between Sci-tech Input and Economic Growth of Jiangsu Province(PDF)


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Relevance Analysis Between Sci-tech Input and Economic Growth of Jiangsu Province
Zhang XiaorongYu Zheng
School of Mathematics and Computer Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
gray relevance analysis economic growth sci-tech input
With the rap id development of science and technology, the effect of Sci - tech input on economic growth is becoming more and more obvious. Startingwith the significance of Sci - tech input on economy development, and ac cording to the statistics of 1998 - 2004 in J iangsu Province, this paper, based on gray relevance analysis and the a nalysis of the relationship between economic growth of J iangsu Province and every factor of sci - tech input, finds that the input of sci - tech researchers ismore important than the input of research and development funds in sci - tech in2 put, which imp lies the input of sci - tech researchers is the leading factor for technology, we should imp rove this work; The influence of the input of research in factories is much greater than the input of research in institutions of higher learning. The achievement of the input of research in factories can be transformed to the p roductive forces rapidly and p romote economic growth. Institution is the raise center of talented person, so it’s influence is not allowed to underestimate.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29