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Synthesis of the Wide Co9S8 Nanowires(PDF)


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Synthesis of the Wide Co9S8 Nanowires
YIN PengfeiWANG Shengyue
Department of Physics,Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,China
Co9 S8 nanow ires spray pyro lys is
Co9S8 nanow ires w ere synthesized using coba lt ch lo ride ( CoC l2· 6H2O) and th iourea ( CS ( NH2 ) 2 ) as the sta rting m ater ia ls w ith the spray pyro lysis m ethod on g lass substrate at 300℃ w ith the diam eter o f about 500nm. The Co9 S8 sam ples w ere cha racte rized by X-ray d iffraction ( XRD) and optica l m icroscope respective ly, and a soft tem plate pr inciplew as d iscussed for the form ation o f thew ide Co9 S8 nanow ires.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29