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Study and Design of a Management System of Scientific Research Based on the Theory of Competitive Intelligence(PDF)


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Study and Design of a Management System of Scientific Research Based on the Theory of Competitive Intelligence
Wei Jianxiang1Zhao Xiaokang2Liu Jing1
1.Department of Information Science,Nanjing College for Population Program Management,Nanjing 210042,China;2.Department of Information Management,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210093,China
competitive intelligence sc ientific research m anagement in fo rm ation system
A im ing to the problem s in the ex isting sc ientific research pro jectm anagem ent system, th is paper designs a system w ith competitive va lues and decision support function by using the e lem entary theory o f competitive inte ll-i g ence. A mu lt-i lay er system fram ew ork o f this system based on Brow er /Server & C lien t/Serve r is put fo rw ard, the functions o f a llm odu les are described in deta i,l and the theory of com pe tition inte lligence applied in this system is d iscussed empha tica lly. The system is a m an- m ach ine un ion com petition dec ision system, whose character istic includes tak ing person s’ inte lligence as leadersh ip, the inform ation ne tw ork as am ethod and the streng thened org an ization competitiv e ability as a goa.l It can improv e the po licy-m aking qua lity and the effic iency o f the super intenden t by exp lor ing the datam in ing o f the system h istor ica l and rea listic data. The resu lt show s that there is obv ious improvem en t than the or ig inal system in such aspects as inform a tion serv ice, ca lcu la tes quantita tive ly and dec ision suppo rt.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29