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Dynamic Analysis of Two-Degree-of-Freedom Vibro-Impact Systems(PDF)


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Dynamic Analysis of Two-Degree-of-Freedom Vibro-Impact Systems
Wei Yanhui1Li Qunhong1Xu Jieqiong1Lu Qishao2
1.College of Mathematics and Information Science,Guangxi University,Nanning 530004,China;2.School of Science,Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Beijing 100083,China
v ib ro- im pact period icm otion Po incarÜ m ap stab ility g lobal b ifurcation
The v ibro- im pac t system s are fam iliarw ith the non-sm ooth dynam ic system s. The dynam ics research of the vibro- im pac t system s not on ly is s ignificant in theo ry but a lso has practica l va lues in eng inee ring. F irstly, using the Po incarÜ map m ethod, w e get an ex istent crite rion of sing le im pact per iod-n mo tion in a tw o-degree-o-f freedom v ibroimpact sy stem w ith dam per. It is shown that our conclus ions are valid through the nume rica l sim ulations. M oreove r, the satiab ility o f per iod icm o tions is stud ied and the correspond ing Jacob ian m atrix form ula is der ived. F ina lly we debate the e ffect o f system param eters on per iod icm o tions exp lo iting the nume rical sim ulations me thod, the local bifurcation and g loba l b ifurcation, and the influence o f the change o f param ete rs in the system on its periodicm otion, and find tha t the v ibro- im pact system s appear m ore d isciplinary per iod ic impact under strong damp ing, feeble harm onic ex citation, sm all ra tio o f qua lity and quite big coeffic ient o f restitution.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29