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Study on Three-Tiered C/S Structure Application in City-Geology Environment Information System——Taking Yiwu City-Geology Information Environment System for Example(PDF)


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Study on Three-Tiered C/S Structure Application in City-Geology Environment Information System——Taking Yiwu City-Geology Information Environment System for Example
Mao Jingjing1Chen Suozhong1Zhang Dazheng2Sun Yaqin1
1.Key Laboratory of Virtual Geographic Environment of Ministry of Education,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China;2.Zhejiang Chief Station of Geology Environment Monitor,Hangzhou 310000,China
three-tiered structure geo logy environment GIS ob ject-o riented
This paper d iscusses the cha racter, strongpo in t and sho rtcom ing of trad itiona lC /S structure, B /S struc ture and th ree-tiered C /S structure, and descr ibes the essentia l and the advantage of using three-tiered C /S structure in C ity-Geology In fo rm ation System. In the paper, the three layers of three-tiered C /S structure is introduced, inc lu-d ing: Data Access Layer, Business Laye r and U ser Interface Laye r, and each layer’s responsibility and the comm u-n ica tion theory is listed, too. Y iwu C ity-Geo logy In fo rm ation Env ironm ent System is taken for examp le and the im ple-m en ting m ethod com bin ing three-tiered C /S structu re, ob jec t-oriented techno logy w ith com ponent techno logy is shown. From different v iew s o f ana lysis, m odeling, des ign and coding prove the feasibility of three-tiered C /S struc-ture app lication in C ity-Geo logy Env ironm ent Inform a tion System.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29