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Film-Penetration Method to Determining the Convective Mass Transfer Coefficient(PDF)


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Film-Penetration Method to Determining the Convective Mass Transfer Coefficient
Huang FengliangXia ChunmeiChen Min
School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
conv ective mass transfer mass transfer co efficien t Film-Penetration m odel d iffusion coeffic ient
In o rder to study the process o f the convectivem ass transfer, many k inds o fm ethods and m ode ls had been presented in the past. The FILM theory and the Pene tration theo ry are the tw o representativ e theor ies. But there are som e d ifferences be tw een themass transfer coe fficien ts form the tw o theo ries and the actua l exper im enta l resu lt. Based on the bounda ry laye r theory and the analysis of the charac ters o f the FILM theory and the Pene tration theory, the Film-Penetra tion m ode l is presented. The pr inciple o f them ode l is discussed. W ith them ode,l the fo rmu la tion fo r the m ass transfer coeffic ient is deduced in deta ils. The adv antage and the co rrectness o f the form ulation are proved. The result shows that the F ilm-Pene tration m ode l is m uch fit fo r the boundary lay er theo ry and is mo re reasonab le to exp la in the process of the convectivem ass transfer, and the expression, to describe the re lation between them ass transfer coeffic ient and the diffusion coeffic ient, is Dn ( n= 0. 5~ 1. 0) and is m uch fit for the actua l exper imenta l resu lt


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Last Update: 2013-06-04