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Reactive Power and Voltage Distributed Control Strategy in Regional Grid(PDF)


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Reactive Power and Voltage Distributed Control Strategy in Regional Grid
Zhao Caihong1Ding Xiaoqun2Ma Chunsheng3Wu Xuehong1
1.School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China;2.College of Electrical Engineering,Hehai University,Nanjing 210098,China;3.Nanjing Hehai Electric Software CO.Ltd,Nanjing 210098,China
reactive power and vo ltage distributed seconda ry contro l hybrid optim iza tion expert system
A fter the d ispatch m ode of pow er system w as div ided into two laye rs-dispa tch ing and m onito ring, the prev ious reactive powe r and vo ltag e automa tic control sy stem canno tm eet the requ irements o f new dispatch m ode. A im ing at the new mode of d ispatch ing and mon itoring, we sugg est a reactiv e pow er and vo ltage d istributed con tro l strategy in reg ional g rid, w hich adopts distributed techno logy and hybr id optim ization techno logy and enlarges trad itiona l centra lized contro l system into d istr ibu ted secondary contro .l The reactive pow er and voltage is ca lcu la ted by dispa tch ing cente r, and then the co rresponding contro l strategy is put forw ard. The corre la tive action w ill be carr ied out by the centra lized contro l stations accord ing to the instructions em itted from d ispatching center in order to optim ize the reac tive pow er and vo ltage.


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Last Update: 2013-04-24