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Analysis of DL-N-Acetylhomocysteine Thiolactone by HPLC(PDF)


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Analysis of DL-N-Acetylhomocysteine Thiolactone by HPLC
Dai YujingGu Xiaotian
Analysis and Testing Center,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
DL-N-acety lhom ocysteine th io lactone HPLC m edic ine ana lysis
An H PLC m ethod w as deve loped to de term ine the content of DL-N-acety lhom ocy ste ine thio lactone. A C18 co lum n w as used. Them obile phase consisted o f 10% m e thano l and 90% wa ter. The detec tion was 237 nm and the flow ra tew as 1.0 mL /m in. The average recovery o f DL-N-ace ty lhomocyste ine th io lactone w as 99.5%. Therefore, th is m ethod w as easy, qu ick and accurate, and can be used to contro l the qua lity o f DL-N-acety lhom ocy ste ine th io lac tone in raw m ater ia ls and the related products


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Last Update: 2013-04-24