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Implementation of Adapting Aglorithm of Anomalies Detection Based on PCA(PDF)


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Implementation of Adapting Aglorithm of Anomalies Detection Based on PCA
Fu QiangGan LiangLi AipingWu Quanyuan
School of Computer Science,National University of Defense Technology,Changsha 410073,China
network anom a ly PCA adap ting ag lo rithm
A im ing a t the ne tw ork anoma ly detection of distributed ne tw orks, the paper suggests am ultid im ensiona l adapting algor ithm o f anom a lies detection. The a lgor ithm, based on PCA, can change itse lf automa tica lly fo r new anom a ly. H av ing processed netwo rk flow data by PCA algor ithm s, w e can g et the d im ensions w hich contribute most and g ive the re lation be tw een anom alies and d im ensions, and m ake se l-f adaption of features. The exper im enta l results show tha t the a lgo rithm reduces the co st o f netwo rk anom a ly detection, and improves the alert precision of netw ork anom aly de tection


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Last Update: 2013-04-24