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A Novel Peer to Peer Network Security Route Algorithm Based on Group(PDF)


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A Novel Peer to Peer Network Security Route Algorithm Based on Group
Xu He1Wang Ruchuan12Han Zhijie1
1.College of Computer,Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Nanjing 210003,China;2.State Key Lab of Novel Software Technology,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210093,China
Peer to Peer route B lo ck C iphe r
Recently, there has been a grow ing interest in the po tential use of Peer to Peer computing ( P2P) in m any app lica tions such as file sharing, instan t comm un ication. There fo re, to realize the ir potentia ,l there is a need o f a P2P security route a lgor ithm that facilities the deploym en t o f a ne tw ork. Based on present P2P netw ork route protoco,l aim ing at route attacks and potentia l secur ity defects, comb ined w ith B lock C ipher m anagem ent m echan ism, th is paper ana lyzes the current hybr id P2P network and presents a a lgo rithm w hich can filter fa lse routingm essage and prov ide amessage authentication pro toco.l The paper pu ts forwa rd a nove l P2P secur ity routing m echan ism us ing group by using the Block C -i pher in the P2P netwo rk, wh ich is different from the trad itional PK I keym anagem entm echanism, and the present algorithm can filter false routing m essage effec tive ly and prov ide a reliablem essage authentication protoco l for routing m echan ism.


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Last Update: 2013-04-24