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Synthesis of Fire Retardant Cyclic Phosphonate Ester(PDF)


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Synthesis of Fire Retardant Cyclic Phosphonate Ester
Yan HuiYang ZhizhongYang Jinfei
School of Chemistry and Environmental Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
Cy clic phosphona te este rAntib laze synthes is flam e re tardant
Cyc lic phosphonate esterAntib laze was synthesized by tr im ethy lo lpropane, tr im ethy l pho sph ite and trim ethy l phospha te. The e ffects of process param eters, such as mo lar ratio, reac tion temperature, reaction tim e and cata lyst on the y ield w ere studied respec tive ly from the orthogona l experim ent. The su itab le synthes is cond itions w ere defined as fo-l low s: tr ie thy lam ine is the sutib le cata lyst, its do sag e is 2. 0% o f the am ount of al;l themo lar ratio o f tr im ethy lo lpropane, tr im ethy l pho sph ite and trim ethy l pho sphate is 1.10: 1:1.07; in the first step, the reaction tem perature is 80- 85℃ , and the reaction tim e is 5 hours; in the second step, the reaction tem pera ture is 180- 185℃ , and the reac tion tim e is 16 hours. On the above conditions, the synthesis produc tiv ity is 90.6%. The structure o f the product was co rfirmed by IR. TG test show ed it had h igh residua l char rate.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23