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Traffic Noise Pollution and Its Countermeasures in the Urban of Nanjing City(PDF)


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Traffic Noise Pollution and Its Countermeasures in the Urban of Nanjing City
Liu Rong
School of Power Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
traffic no ise counte rm easures no ise po llution
A fte r the traffic no ise leve ls have been m on itored in som e sections of threem a in roads in theU rban ofN an jing C ity, the da ta were com pared and stud ied by Le q. The results show ed that the equ iva lent no ise leve l va lues o f each site exceeded the day lim it va lue o f 70 dB( A) and n ight lim it va lue o f 55 dB( A). A ccording to the standard on traffic no ise, the day tim e no ise po llution leve l o f 27% o f m easured sites reached de terioration grade w hile that of 73% of m easured sites belongs to bad grade. Through analysis o f m ajor causes o f the traffic no ise po llution, acco rd ing to various contro l m ethods on no ise at hom e and abroad ex isting, comb ined w ith the actua l situa tion, the author put fo rw ard som e counterm easu res and proposa ls fo r abating no ise po llution.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23