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Improvement on Population Initialization of Genetic Algorithm Solution for VRP(PDF)


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Improvement on Population Initialization of Genetic Algorithm Solution for VRP
Xu Peng12Wang Lei1Zhang Wenyi1
1.College of Traffic,Hohai University,Nanjing 210098,China;2.Key Laboratory of Coastal Disaster and Defence,Hohai University,Nanjing 210098,China
VRP initial popu la tion genetic coding genetic a lgo rithm improved genetic algor ithm
W hen trad itiona l Genetic A lgor ithms( GA ) w as applied in VRP, mo st of the in itia l population genera te the chrom osom e prog ram by tak ing a random m ethod, which leads to a lo t o f infeasib le schem es in the beg inning, and a g reat dea l o f ca lculations be fore obta ining an optim ize one. Th is reduced the ca lcu lating effic iency o f the a lgor ithm to the g reat extent. The g enetic cod ing strategy, propo sed by the pape r, g iv es in itia l population a know ledge-based heuristic strategy, w hich m akes in itial popu la tion a better perfo rmance at the very start.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23