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The Uncertainty on Computation of Allowable Assimilative Capacity of Water Bodies and its Quantitative Control(PDF)


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The Uncertainty on Computation of Allowable Assimilative Capacity of Water Bodies and its Quantitative Control
Mao Xiaowen
Bureau of Hydrology and Water Resources Survey of Jiangsu Province,Nanjing 210009,China
a llowable ass im ila tive capac ity model the uncerta in ty quan tita tive con tro l
From the study of the unce rtainty factors on ca lcu la tion o f a llowable assim ilative capacity of w ater bodies, the paper ana ly zed the m ain influenc ing factors, ex isted prob lem s and the co rresponding so lutions. The paper em phasized tha tw e shou ld g ive a h igh degree of concern on its reliab ility eva luation because the quantita tive results o f a llow ab le ass im ila tive capac ity have law. s features. In the quantitative ca lcu la tion we shou ld take full account o f environm enta lm anagem ent o fw ate r dem and and m anagem en tm ode,l and shou ld g ive full consideration to the natura l charac teristics o fw ater bodies, po llution status and conserv ation ob jec tives, the design o f wa ter- flow, K va lue, and w ater concentration should be g iven a reasonable va lue, in order to avo id passive situation in w ater resourcesm anagem ent by im proper va luation.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23