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Research on the Formation and Planning of Nanjing Power Grid Partitioning(PDF)


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Research on the Formation and Planning of Nanjing Power Grid Partitioning
Wang Weiyuan
Nanjing Electric Power Supply Company,Nanjing 210008,China
urban pow er gr id gr id pa rtition ing e lectrom agnetic coupled netwo rks sho rt c ircuit current
In the planning of urban pow er g rid, the g rid pa rtition ing problem shou ld be dea lt w ith sc ientifica lly to ensure the coordinationa l developm ent o f a ll leve ls of the e lectr ica l netwo rk. In th is paper, the form ation o f Nan jing power g rid partitioning is traced and the deve lopm ent o f the g rid partition ing is d iv ided into three stages. M eanwh ile, this paper d iscusses the opportunity and princ ip le o f g rid partition ing in o rder to be ava ilable fo r re ference in the p lann ing of N an jing pow er gr id.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23