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A Digital Watermarking Algorithm for Binary Text Image(PDF)


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A Digital Watermarking Algorithm for Binary Text Image
Du Qing
School of Computer Engineering,Nanjing Institute of Technology,Nanjing 211167,China
frag ile w aterm ark binary im age ver ification
A frag ilew ate rma rk ing algo rithm is presented, wh ich can be app lied to b inary tex t im age verification. Based on the value o f im age b lock edges, the initial va lues o f chaoticm apping a re produced. By iterating seve ra l tim es o f the chao tic m apping, the wa term ark is ob tained and embedded into the p ixe ls, w hich have prior em bedd ib ility for 3 @ 3 ne ighborhood pattern. The expe rim ental resu lts show that the wa term arked b inary im age have good v isua l quality and that the a lgo rithm can detect and loca lize prec isely the tampers on the w aterm arked im ages.


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Last Update: 2013-04-02