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Applications of Fractal Theory in the Studies of Particlate Matters(PDF)


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Applications of Fractal Theory in the Studies of Particlate Matters
Jia HehuaLi Chuantong
School of Power Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
fractal theory fracta lmodel fracta l dim ens ion pa rticulate ma tter
On the basis o f introduc tion of the deve lopm ent process of frac tal theory, th is paper g ives the de finition o f fracta,l a var iety o f theo reticalm ode ls of frac tal d im ension ca lculation and ana ly sis o f the differences and linkag es am ong d iverse m ode ls. It a lso summ ar izes the ach ieved m ajor research resu lts, for the fracta l theory is app lied to the so il parti?? c les, sand par tic les, atm ospher ic particu lates, road dust, solid fuel combustion or so lid waste incine ration and ro ck m e?? chan ics. The prob lem sw hich need to be further resolved are ra ised. Fracta l theory has a bro ad prospect of research and app lication, for it prov ides new me thods for the study of solid pa rtic les of the physical and chem ical cha racte ristics.


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Last Update: 2013-04-02