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Study on Switched Reluctance Servo Motor Drive System(PDF)


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Study on Switched Reluctance Servo Motor Drive System
Chen HaoYu Pude
School of Information and Electrical Engineering,China Mineral University,Xuzhou 221116,China
switched re luctancem otor servomotor motor control
The com pos itiont of sw itched reluc tancem oto r s ing le servo system and dua l servo system are proposed in th is paper. Non linear simu lation m ode l o f sw itched re luctance mo tor dua l servo system w as propo sed byMATLAB /S imu link. The resu lts of sim ulation show tha t although the g iven positions a re d ifferent in X-ax is and Y-ax is, the tim e wh ich they reached the g iven pos ition are the sam e. The photos o f sw itched re luctancem otor servo system and exper iment results are a lso proposed in this paper.


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Last Update: 2013-04-02